Purchasing Module

StarTex Garment Purchasing Software

StarTex Apparel Management Program's Purchasing Module:

Anticipated Cost Module

StarTex Textile Anticipated Cost Software

Garment Model Module

 StarTex Garment Model Software

Ordering Module

More than one entry in one order. Usage of intended model in intended size set. Characterise more than one assortment in every model based on country...

Material Module

With a single click, you can see all the material requirements of your order. You can make material requirement planning according to the sub colors and sizes of the variants. Aynı ekrandan ilgili malzemelerin depolara...

Production Module

StarTex Garment Production Software

Stock Module

You can save pictures for all your product, fabric and accessory cards. You can define recipe according to recipe variant and size details for each inventory card. You can create stock movement receipts based on order, lot, work order...

Purchasing Module

With our simplified "Mass Purchase" screen, you can easily identify the orders that are in common need according to the material code and collect them all in a single purchase receipt. With our easy and fast purchasing screen, you can quickly create a purchase receipt on an order basis...

Shipping Module

You can use different size sets in a single packing list. You can enter different models of different orders in a single packing list. You can prepare a packing list for your assortment or misfire orders. You can prepare a label on the box...

Current Module

You can create any number of different company groups. You can open an account in the desired foreign currency for each company. You can enable cross conversion of invoices (posting USD movements into the account in EUR)...